About Us

28 years in the know, helping your business grow

At ERG International we are the industry data specialists. We collect sales and market intelligence to help our clients make the best data driven decisions for their company.

ERG International has provided market research to the industrial sector  across Australia and Asia for over 30 years.  Our business intelligence enables companies to track competitive sales data and market trends.

In 2005 ERG joined carsales.com Ltd, the largest online automotive, motorcycle and marine classifieds business in Australia. The carsales Group includes carsales.com.au, Australia’s number one automotive classified website, bikesales.com.au, boatsales.com.au as well as leading caravan, truck and machinery classified websites. Internationally, carsales.com Ltd has classified businesses in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, South Korea as well as interests in businesses in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

carsales.com Ltd brings together consumers, dealers, manufacturers and advertisers to deliver the best solutions and experiences for the classified businesses we work with.

Our skilled teams are specialists in sales, marketing, product management and technology and website solutions.